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Unable to pull

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:30 pm
by jonestone
We have 2 authors using Flare with gitlab. One author’s Flare has been operating normally, and the other is having issues. This has been happening every week or so since both authors updated to 2023 r2. For the user with trouble, Flare seems to lose the GIT access token requiring a new token to be generated and then a repo pull before sync, even though nothing has changed.
After entering the new token, the following error appears and clicking on pull does nothing:
"specified remote repository has been updated, perform a pull prior to pushing to remote"
I've tried scouring the boards to discover a fix but nothing seems to work. If anyone has any advice or places to start we would greatly appreciate it. :D

Re: Unable to pull

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:27 pm
by DarcieC
We have experienced similar issues. Apparently, when a project is a) bound to MadCap Central and/or b) being accessed by multiple Flare authors, there is a bug MadCap has discovered since their recent updates to both Flare 2023 r2 -and- Central. I recommend contacting MadCap support to discuss your specific issues and to see if these "bugs" are the cause. They should be able to walk you through some workarounds.

Re: Unable to pull

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:21 am
by AlexFox
Hi sonestone, this may help you.

Re: Unable to pull

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:23 am
by AlexFox
Apologies jonestone, I mistyped!