Thumbnails not expanding fully in PDF output [FIXED]

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Thumbnails not expanding fully in PDF output [FIXED]

Post by M33R4 »

My project images are set to display as Thumbnails for my HTML5 output.
The same project also has a PDF target.
I have found on some PDF pages, the images are not expanding fully.
Any ideas as to the cause please :?:

Here is my HTML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns:MadCap="" style="mc-master-page: url('..\..\Resources\MasterPages\newtopics.flmsp');">
<link href="../../Resources/TableStyles/blanktable.css" rel="stylesheet" MadCap:stylesheetType="table" />
<h1>How to add a paper request</h1>
<p>When a paper request is received, the first step is to acknowledge it on CRIS. </p>
<p>Search for the patient </p>
<p>Click <span class="ESMSquareBracket">Patient Details</span> tab to check the patient on CRIS matches the request details</p></li>
<img src="d_vetting_images/03.vettingHowAddPprReq1.png" class="Thumbnail" />

<p>Click <span class="ESMSquareBracket">New Event</span>. </p>
<p>The <span class="ESMUnderline">Event Details</span> screen is loaded to enter the details as specified on the paper request.</p></li>
<img src="d_vetting_images/03.vettingHowAddPprReq2.png" class="Thumbnail" />
<div class="EBProBk"> For detailed help on how to add a paper request, please refer to the <a href="../c1_orders_requests/1.2_Paper_Requests.htm">Orders and Requests</a> helpfile</div>
<p>Enter the exam <span class="ESMSquareBracket">Code</span> if known or use <span class="ESMSquareBracket">F4</span> to search for it from the table</p>

<p>Enter the <span class="ESMUnderline">Room </span>if appropriate</p>
<p>Enter the <span class="ESMUnderline">Urgency</span></p>
<p>Enter the <span class="ESMUnderline">Request Date</span> as per the paper request - this starts the Diagnostic Waiting Time (if applicable)</p>
<p>Type any relevant supporting information under the <span class="ESMUnderline">History </span>and <span class="ESMUnderline">Q&As</span> tabs if required.</p>
<MadCap:snippetBlock src="d_vetting_snippets/vetting_histQA.flsnp" />
<p>Click <span class="ESMSquareBracket">Request</span></p>

Here is my image settings in the Stylesheet:
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Last edited by M33R4 on Tue May 25, 2021 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thumbnails not expanding fully in PDF output

Post by M33R4 »

I decided to do some tests:
I tried to fit other images, that were displaying well on other pages, onto the page that wasn't displaying so well. Turns out the images affected were in fact not captured with a wider screen resolution which is why they were not expanding fully across the PDF output.

  • I adjusted my software/source window to 1300 X 745 and recaptured my images (using MadCap Capture).
    I replaced the bad images with the new images in my project.
    I applied the Thumbnail to those recaptured images.
    Upon Building to HTML5, my thumbnails worked well and upon Building to PDF, those images expanded to full-size.
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Location: UK

Re: Thumbnails not expanding fully in PDF output [FIXED]

Post by M33R4 »


I have now played around with Image Properties and Print Size. Having set the width to 100% and height to Auto, my images are all expanding fully on my printed output.

image properties settings.PNG
From the topic page, right-click on your image to access the Print Size tab.

That setting is, therefore, to also keep in mind for PDF output projects[/color] :)
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