filter table content - toggler as 'show filter/show all'?

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Propeller Head
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Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:45 pm

filter table content - toggler as 'show filter/show all'?

Post by lise »

What I want to do: I want to display a table with items sorted alphabetically, and I want the user to click on filter names that would display only the relevant items in the table. I have 4 or 5 filters that I want displayed.

I have done this successfully before by using snippet conditions (see below for how that one works), but this time I wanted to use togglers so that the table just beneath the togglers would display the filtered results rather than have to go to another topic that showed the filtered table.

With togglers I figured I could just say: click here to view these items, or click here to view these other items.

I tried it realized that I can't use togglers after all because they either 'show or hide' the named items and I needed them to 'show named items or show all items'.

My question: Is there a way to change the behaviour of a single toggler to do what I need (show filter/show all vs show filter/hide filter)? And if not, should I go back to using the conditional snippets method or is there another way?

The conditional snippet method.
This method works great, except that it requires a separate topic for each condition. My main page displays the full table, and I have links to the other topics that act like the filters (Scheduling Plugins, Action Plugins, Location Plugins). When selected each link opens that topic and displays the table with the relevant rows based on how I conditioned each row in the original table. The additional topics are required because we cannot display a different set of snippet conditions in the same page; so I can't say: click here to show only scheduling snippets and have the relevant table display when I've already included the full table with all three conditions.
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