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Info: SVG support issues may be OS based

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:29 am
by GerardFalla
Letting folks know that I've just determined that the fiddly SVG support under Flare 13 we had experienced (in which there were failed load svgs that appeared to match Flare's spec for supported svgs) was most likely due to OS interaction - since I last looked at this issue, we've migrated me to a Win 10 machine (was Win 7 previously) whilst keeping the same Flare R2 build, and when I navigated today to the same network share with the same old SVGs which all failed to place, they all come in just beautifully.

Re: Info: SVG support issues may be OS based

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:39 am
by GerardFalla
On Win 7 seems like Ghostscript is required for SVG parsing for Flare - Win 10 not so much.