Ignore heading in TOC + TOC depth for heading levels

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Jr. Propeller Head
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Joined: Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:17 am

Ignore heading in TOC + TOC depth for heading levels

Post by KendeWachter »

We have a problem with the heading levels of headings that we exclude from the TOC.

For our task topics, we use a fixed structure:
H1: Do something
p: <description of the task>
H2: Steps
ol: <the steps>
H2: What's next
ol: <whatever is next>

For our PDF target, we select 'Use TOC depth for heading levels' because, well, it makes sense... This setting lowers headings to another level if the topic is under another topic. Works great!

However, we want to adapt the level of 'Steps' and 'What's next', without showing them in the TOC.

We found a solution to exclude the headings for the TOC: in the css, we created a class that specified the mc-heading-level as 0.
Positive: the heading do not appear in the TOC.
Negative: the TOC depth is not used for the heading level. In other words, the Steps and What's Next headers are always styled as H2, even when the H1 of the topic title is changed to a lower level based on the TOC depth.

I understand why the problem occurs ('Steps' and 'What's next' don't occur in the TOC, so Flare can't adapt the heading level based on the TOC), but we would like a solution. Currently we have to choose: use TOC level and include everything in the TOC; exclude headings from TOC without adapting the level.

We can't be the only ones with this issue :) How do you deal with this?
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