Automatically changing the language of Flare HTML5 output

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Jr. Propeller Head
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:59 am

Automatically changing the language of Flare HTML5 output

Post by geoff_miller »

Hi all,

If I set my browser to another language and view the website containing my Flare HTML5 output, the website automatically appears in the respective language, if present. For example, if I change my browser from English to French, opening automatically redirects to

So, if my browser is smart enough to automatically redirect to the French index page, why can't it automatically redirect specific pages in the website? For example, a help link in our product that links to still goes to the same English page if the browser is set to French. I want the link to go to

Is this expected behaviour with Flare or the browser? Can you work around this with Flare or do you need to create a PHP script or something similar?

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