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Translations using Google Translator -machine translation

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:00 am
by Sheila Vusi
I am struggling trying to use (machine translation) Google Translator with Lingo as they suggested. I have the API key they need for Google Translate, but it keep giving error. The same happens with Microsoft translate. Can someone let me know how to tackle this one. :(

Re: Translations using Google Translator -machine translatio

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:57 am
by Ni Re
I have a major problem with connectong to Microsoft Translator, too. I took the time to create the Azure account, subscription and and translation resource. But now I get this error in Madcap Lingo, when I enter the API key:
MadCap Lingo 11 r2
Authentication failed. MICROSOFT authorization did not succeed. Please verify key and API account.

I tried both keys listed in my Azure Translator resource as well as the API URLs. The message is always the same.

Has the Machine Translatoion feature become useless for the Microsoft Translator option? Or did I do something wrong?

Re: Translations using Google Translator -machine translatio

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 2:25 am
by Ni Re
Hello again,
I found the problem with my Microsoft Translator resource: when you create the resource, the Region must be set to Global instead of a specific region like Europe.