Table is ignoring table CSS

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Propeller Head
Posts: 28
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 6:30 pm

Table is ignoring table CSS

Post by sarahb »

I've created a brand new table style CSS. I used the TableStyle Editor to configure the settings for the print medium. I popped open the CSS file in an HTML editor and confirmed all the settings I set in the TableStyle Editor are there. It's a simple, one row, two column table. The first column is 20% width and will have a graphic in it. The second column is 80% and will have text in it.

In a Flare topic set to layout print and medium print, I insert a table and apply the new table style to it. It seems to be ignoring the table CSS. When I look at the HTML for that table I added to the topic, it shows the <col /> tags as empty:

<table style="width: 100%;mc-table-style: url('../TableStyles/NewNotesTable.css');" class="TableStyle-NewNotesTable" cellspacing="0">
<col />
<col />
<tr class="TableStyle-NewNotesTable-Body-Body1">
<td class="TableStyle-NewNotesTable-BodyC--Body1">This should be a width of 20%</td>
<td class="TableStyle-NewNotesTable-BodyA--Body1">This should be a width of 80%</td>

In the table CSS, it shows this:

width: 20%;

width: 80%;

separator-style: solid;
separator-width: 0px;
separator-color: #16417f;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
size: 20%;

size: 80%;
separator-style: solid;
separator-width: 0px;
text-align: left;
vertical-align: middle;

What am I missing?
Propeller Head
Posts: 28
Joined: Sun May 14, 2017 6:30 pm

Re: Table is ignoring table CSS

Post by sarahb »

Replying to my own post. As per MadCap Support, they pointed out that the Column Styles (mcTableColumnStyle) didn't seem to have a name attached to them. By default, they should show a Column1 and Column2 as well as id values. For example:

span: 1;
separator-style: solid;
separator-width: 1px;
separator-color: #000000;
name: Column1;
id: 0;

span: 1;
id: 4;
name: Column2;

So I just created a brand new table style sheet again, and used the Table Editor to configure the table with the exact same settings. This time it worked.

So I spent an entire day pulling out my hair for some sort of glitch. :(
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