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CVS and Tam Tam

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:05 pm
by pdxwordsmith
I'm trying to bind a Flare project to CVS using the TamTam CVS plugin and am running into issues.

I get errors like the following during the Bind process:

Source Control: CustomScc:AddFile - call failed with error code -15 (Nonspecific error.)

Flare seems to think the project is "Bound" (the Unbind option becomes available), but the files don't appear to be in CVS (if I check using CVSWeb or TortoiseCVS).

I saw the thread here: ... f=4&t=5231
but there was no CatapultLaunch entry in the project file (.flprj).

I've tried a bunch of different things, so it's quite possible that Flare does think the project is in CVS, but CVS doesn't think so.

Here's a question I can't find in the help/forums: can/should the files be added to CVS before binding the project to CVS in Flare?

I.e., Can I check my files in with TortoiseCVS and then do the binding in Flare? or must the files exist outside of CVS and they get added during the binding process?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide....

Re: CVS and Tam Tam

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:03 am
by pdxwordsmith
I figured it out. I think the problem was that the folder I specified in the CVS Module field existed, but had not been CVS-added and committed. My existing project was not in CVS before binding. Binding in Flare added and committed the files to CVS.

It helped to figure out which dialogs were coming from TamTam and which were coming from Flare :roll:

Paid my $14.99 for TamTam and I'm ready to roll.

Re: CVS and Tam Tam

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:51 am
by pdxwordsmith
In case anyone else is having problems with Check In/Out All using CVS with Tam Tam (Flare does the checkout, but hangs with a Progress dialog that won't go away), here's what Tech Support has to say:
Unfortunately I do not believe there are any other troubleshooting options for this issue. While we strive to provide support for source control clients using the MSSCCAPI, it appears that checking out a directory in Flare via CVS is not currently possible.

To move forward you can either use the source control client outside of Flare or go back to single-file check-in/check-outs.