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Inconsistent line ending styles error committing to SVN?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:45 pm
by amflores
Historically, I have not had any issues committing the files I exported from Madcap Flare to SVN. Recently, however, we upgraded our SVN client to 1.9.4 and upgraded our SVN server from 1.6 to 1.9.5. Now, when I try to commit my Flare output files, the csh.js and default.js files produce errors about having inconsistent newlines (“Inconsistent line ending style”). These are files created by Flare and not by me, so I’m unclear on how to permanently resolve this issue. I am using an older version of Flare (10.2.2), but the issues only began when we upgraded and I attempted to commit a new project (so it may have been present for a while, but since these files appear to not be updated often/at all, I don't know when it really became an issue). Any thoughts on how I resolve? If this was a file I'd committed, I'd fix the line endings issue, but I don't appear to have access to these files and I certainly don't want to have to manually fix these in my 18 projects every time I commit!