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Git Remote Repository Disappears

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:27 am
by peterb
My team authors in Flare (2018 r2 currently; working on pulling the trigger to move to 2019) and uses git (BitBucket) for source control (integrated Flare source control UI).

Various members of my writing team are having issues with the specified remote repository "disappearing" on them, so that when they go to pull from or push to the repository, the dropdown in the dialog window that usually contains the repository is empty instead of containing the repository we defined upon binding. Their projects are still bound, but whenever attempting the pull or push actions, the remote repository is no longer available for selection. As far as I can tell, no specific action or event occurred prior to the issue manifesting that may have caused it.

I have had team members experiencing this issue re-define the remote repository URL and alias directly in this dialog window, but this often results in differing error messages ("Remote already contains another project. Please pull/push from/to an empty remote." OR "Cannot set empty URL.") and a failure to pull/push.

I am at a bit of a loss for how to solve this issue; it happens often enough where it has sort of crippled our source control utilization. Has another else experienced this issue or possibly have some insights into what may be happening? Any help is appreciated, as always; this community is awesome. Thank you!

Re: Git Remote Repository Disappears

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:38 pm
by doloremipsum
I'm not sure whether this is your problem, but one important thing to know that has caused me a lot of grief: Flare's internal Git integration will only work properly if the Flare project is the only thing stored in the repository. I've had similar issues in the past when we tried to store all of our Flare projects in a single repo.

Then again, if it's only happening for some of you that might not be the issue.

Re: Git Remote Repository Disappears

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:25 am
by peterb
Just so that this topic is not hanging unresolved forever, I'll report that our team is no longer having this issue. I think it was a matter of synchronization. I worked with MadCap Support, and after a cycle of getting reconnected to the repository and then using the Synchronize and Pull buttons in the Source Control menu, we are not having this issue with the repository name "disappearing" from the Push dialog dropdown any longer. If my team sees an error message instead of having a successful Commit>Push, our internal process is to do a Pull followed by a Push, and this seems to set things right.