Cross-ref to bookmarked autonumbered figs and lit works diff

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Jr. Propeller Head
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:48 am

Cross-ref to bookmarked autonumbered figs and lit works diff

Post by Vogl »

In my project I have made to similar chapter wide autonumber features, one for figures and one for literature references.

In my second chapter I have fx Figur 2.21 and Literature reference 2.9, which I then cross-reference in the text.

In my PDF output the cross-references come out correctly as (Figur 2.21) and (Literature 2.9).
BUT in my HTML5 website the cross-references come out as (Figur 2.21) and (Literature 1.1).

I have tried changing the chapter wide autonumber feature for the literature references, but no change.

My stylesheet looks like this:

mc-auto-number-format: 'CF:{b}Figur {chapnum}.{n+}{/b}';

mc-auto-number-format: 'CL:{b}{chapnum}.{n+}{/b}';

I use these properties:

mc-format: '{b}{paranum}{/b}';

mc-format: '{sup}{paranum}{/sup}';

What can possibly be the problem ?!

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