Insertion of # into HTML5 page URLs

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Sr. Propeller Head
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Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:44 am
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Insertion of # into HTML5 page URLs

Post by Fiona »

I'm hoping someone knows what causes this and can help me to eliminate it...

When we generate HTML5 content from one of our Flare projects a "#" character is inserted into the URL after the root (before the location of the page in the Contents directory); generating HTML5 output from a different project does not. We would like to remove this # insertion (it messes up some of our internal APIs).

Both projects have a source file in the Content explorer in a top-level directory called Introduction. When the HTML5 is generated, the URL changes depending on which project it is generated from:
  • project 1 generates rootURL/#Introduction/RestOfURL
  • project 2 generates rootURL/Introduction/RestOfURL
Is anyone able to enlighten me on the cause of the "#" character presence in the URL so that I can prevent it from happening? Thanks. Fiona
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