Deleting topics

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Propeller Head
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Joined: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:33 pm

Deleting topics

Post by spinningrachel »

I have one global project and a whole bunch of others based on that project. From the global project, I'm connected to TFS. I don't know if any of this is relevant - just giving what I know. I'm using Flare 10.2.

99.9% of the time, when I right-click a topic and select Delete (and I DO want it deleted from TFS also), the Delete Progress window opens and does one of the following:
1. Takes well over an hour to actually delete the topic/s. Even if I've only selected one to delete.
2. The Delete Progress window stays open infinitely, deletes nothing and I have to kill Flare from the Task Manager
3. The Delete Progress window stays open infinitely, I click the X or Cancel to close the window and then the topics ARE deleted.

Does anyone have this much trouble deleting? Any suggestions? I had considered deleting from Explorer, but then I'm left with the obvious problems - link resolution, TFS, etc.

Propeller Head
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Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:00 am

Re: Deleting topics

Post by KCinColorado »

I just tested this (just started using TFS 2013 with Flare V10.2 in the last week). After MUCH ado, was able to successfully import an existing project (formerly bound to VSS). I was able to add a new (test) topic file, check it in to source control (TFS), and then check it out and delete it without issues/delays. Flare did the right thing.

Yesterday while trying to import this project for the first time, we had nonstop issues, VERY long delays with Flare popping up messages complaining about being unable to connect to TFS, and Flare crashed several times during all this. This morning we deleted the TFS cache folders and all issues went away. File imported fine, no connection issues, etc. I have no idea if this is related to your issue but wanted to mention it in case you wanted to try this.

I'm running a TFS client (Source Control Explorer) on my machine. So my TFS cache folders were located at:

C:\Users\{your_userID}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\3.0 and \5.0 (not sure why there are two directories). I renamed both (for example CacheOLD), did the import project, noticed that TFS recreated new Cache folders, then I deleted the old (renamed) ones.

Hope this helps!
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