Single destination for multiple HTML5 targets

This forum is for all Flare issues related to the HTML5, WebHelp, WebHelp Plus, and Adobe Air Targets
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Propeller Head
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Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:18 pm

Single destination for multiple HTML5 targets

Post by mlaird »

I'm working on publishing HTML5 help to a remote webserver, and the way that it's working is not what I expected.

I was hoping to be able to use a single destination (*.fldes) for all of the HTML5 targets I'm creating. Since there's only one server we're publishing to, it made sense to me to want to use one destination file.

When I tried to do it this way, I discovered that each time a target is published, it overwrites most of the non-content files from the last target that was published (without indicating that it did so in the log, by the way).

What's the best way to publish multiple HTML5 targets to the same server? Is there some option that puts each target into its own directory, when published? Do I need to use a different destination file (with a different destination directory) for each target? Or should I try to have some kind of script on the server that moves the published files around, after the fact?
Master Propellus Maximus
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Re: Single destination for multiple HTML5 targets

Post by NorthEast »

You would need to create a separate destination for each target, to publish them in individual folders. You shouldn't publish more than one target output to the same folder for obvious reasons.

At least it should just involve copying and pasting an existing destination, and changing the folder name.
Propeller Head
Posts: 49
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:18 pm

Re: Single destination for multiple HTML5 targets

Post by mlaird »

That's true, until we need to change something about the destination (server name or authenticated user password) and then it means that we'll need to update every single destination file.

Ah well, thank you. I'm going to submit an RFE!
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