Related Topic title text - how to style?

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Related Topic title text - how to style?

Post by whunter »

As brief background, I have custom styling applied to the MiniToc and I want the same styling applied to my RelatedTopics links.
Specifically, I want the title text of "In this section" (for the MiniTOC) and the title text of "See Also" (for RelatedTopics) to be the same size/boldness/etc.

If I change the font settings for MadCap | relatedTopics, it gets applied to everything in related topics, including the list items, so that doesn't work.
I inspected my stylesheet settings for the MiniToc and found an entry for span.miniTocBoxTitle, which sets the styling for the MiniTOC title. Most likely I found that on the forums somewhere. I tried guessing the equivalent as span.relatedTopicsTitle and set it to the same properties, but that didn't work.

Is there an equivalent style to control the RelatedTopics title?
HTML5 output

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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Re: Related Topic title text - how to style?

Post by NorthEast »

Setting styles for MadCap|relatedTopics works ok for me.
If you're displaying it as a list (rather than popup), then the list itself is styled using the MadCap|relatedTopicsControlList/Item/Link styles.

Flare doesn't allow you to set a title for a miniTOC, so I'm guessing you probably got that from me.
If so, you'll probably have a set of styles like this:
(Note that the MadCap| style only affect the editor, and it's the div styles that actually affect the output.)

Code: Select all

	mc-auto-number-format: 'In this section';
	mc-auto-number-class: miniTocBoxTitle;

	mc-auto-number-format: 'In this section';
	mc-auto-number-class: miniTocBoxTitle;

Nita Beck
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Re: Related Topic title text - how to style?

Post by Nita Beck »

This is just a guess, but could whunter use a "before" pseudo class to add the "In this section" bit before the miniTOC? I vaguely recall playing around with that once and got it to work. (But, in relying on memory yet again, I'm probably leading whunter down the proverbial garden path...)
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Re: Related Topic title text - how to style?

Post by whunter »

Sorry for the delay in responding, I was out for the holidays.

The "In this Section" mini-TOC bit works fine for me. The problem is with the Related Topics.

I am displaying it as a list rather than a pop up. I found that when I set MadCap | RelatedTopics to bold (for example), it set the "See Also" title to bold but it also set all the list items to bold as well. So then I went into the MadCap | relatedTopicsControlList styles and tried to override it by setting it to normal but that didn't work. I wasn't sure at which level to set it, so I tried them all and could not get it to work. I'll give it another shot.
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Re: Related Topic title text - how to style?

Post by whunter »

Just to close the loop -- I tried again, and it didn't work -- font formatting applied to MadCap | RelatedTopics got applied to the list items, even if I tried to "override" it on the list styles. So instead, I formatted the miniTOC title to match the RelatedTopics title instead of trying to do it the other way around.
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