Hi all,
Analyzer is reporting that many of our TOCs are missing a link to a variable set that does not exist in the project. What we have tried so far without luck:
1. Per a similar reported issue (viewtopic.php?f=38&t=21527) - deleted the contents (including hidden content) at C:\Users\[your_username]\AppData\Local\MadCap Software\Analyzer.
2. Used Analyzer to fix the broken link - Check the TOC out of source control, point the link to the only variable set in the project, and check the TOC back into source control.
What also has me scratching my head is how a TOC is referencing a variable set at all. To the best of my knowledge, I thought that targets and topics reference variable sets, not TOCs.
Has anyone experienced this? Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Flare version 11.1.2
Analyzer version 9.
False positive on missing link to a variable set
- Senior Propellus Maximus
- Posts: 3672
- Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:57 am
- Location: Pittsford, NY
Re: False positive on missing link to a variable set
Have you opened the TOC in the Internal Text Editor and searched for references to the missing variable set? I'm not saying you'll find anything, but it's another avenue to pursue.
Re how a TOC might reference a variable set in the first place? Variables may be used in TOC entries.
Re how a TOC might reference a variable set in the first place? Variables may be used in TOC entries.

RETIRED, but still fond of all the Flare friends I've made. See you around now and then!
RETIRED, but still fond of all the Flare friends I've made. See you around now and then!
Re: False positive on missing link to a variable set
That did the trick. Thank you very much.
Turns out we were overlooking the TOC label.
Turns out we were overlooking the TOC label.
- Propeller Head
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 12:04 pm
- Location: Simi Valley, CA
Re: False positive on missing link to a variable set
I don't have Analyzer but I'm getting something similar. I imported FrameMaker files into a project and now when I open the Link Viewer I get a broken link to a variable set that doesn't exist.
The link looks like this:
The options to open the file and view the links are grayed out. Also, I've opened up the topic and TOC files in the text editor but there are no references to that file. Any ideas?
Edit: I tracked down the problem by opening the topics in the text editor and ignoring the "flvar" extension. Unfortunately, during the Frame to Flare conversion dozens of variables and many cross-references got messed up and now point to that file that doesn't exist

Code: Select all
/Project/<VariableSets/<variables file that does not exist.flvar>
Edit: I tracked down the problem by opening the topics in the text editor and ignoring the "flvar" extension. Unfortunately, during the Frame to Flare conversion dozens of variables and many cross-references got messed up and now point to that file that doesn't exist

Flare (
) v12, Windows 10