Multiple side menus in a project

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Multiple side menus in a project

Post by yonatanlehman »

My website has over 1000 pages.
Every page has a side menu created using a menuProxy in the master file.
<MadCap:menuProxy style="mc-toc-depth: -1;mc-context-sensitive: True;mc-include-parent: True;mc-include-siblings: True;mc-include-children: True;" />

All the pages are in the same project, which means (as far as I know) that they all have the same Table of Contents (ToC).

Having a single ToC for all of the pages presents several issues:
1) It is not user-friendly, there are too many levels, especially since there is no accordion menu (when is it coming Madcap :roll: ........)
2) Loading of the menu on each page is slow, the menu only shows up a few seconds after the page is loaded and shows up very slowly.

What I would like to do is divide my website by subject (Admin, user guide, UO, SDKs etc) to let the user select the subject he wants and then to let each page have a side menu that only shows the topics of that subject. Madcap does this to an extent (mc-context-sensitive: True) - but I'd like to control it more explicitly.

As far as I know, although I can divide the ToC into multiple files, I can only have one ToC tree for the entire project, so it looks like either need to create multiple projects (but then how can I have a common search and master page) ?

Is there a way to tell Flare that the hierarchy of ToC files should govern what is shown in the side menu? The idea is that if a page appears in a certain ToC file, then that ToC file determines what is in the side menu.

Any other ideas how to solve these issues?

Nita Beck
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Re: Multiple side menus in a project

Post by Nita Beck »

I think you could accomplish what you're after if you don't use a Side Nav skin for your HTML5 output but instead use Top Nav with a "side menu" positioned at the left. You'll need one master page for each major area of your output. Each master page would have a menu proxy that is positioned at the left and that is associated with the TOC for one of the major areas.

Sorry so brief. I hope this is enough to give you some ideas.
RETIRED, but still fond of all the Flare friends I've made. See you around now and then!
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