Control initial volume of embedded MP4 video

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Propeller Head
Posts: 39
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:19 pm

Control initial volume of embedded MP4 video

Post by zappy0 »

I have embedded MP4 videos into my topics for HTML output and it works wonderfully. The videos are published as part of the Flare project to Resources/Videos/. The user needs to click play to start the video. However, the volume is always set to 100%. I can set the MadCap:Param_muted to true, but I'm concerned some users will find it annoying to enable the volume after the video has started. When I "Edit Multimedia", Flare displays a dialog box where I can set parameters (the Advanced tab). The only Audio parameter for an embedded MP4 file is Mute. I tried adding my own parameter (with and without % and in various numbers) to the Object element but this has not worked. Has anyone discovered a way to set the initial volume of an embedded MP4 file to 50% ?

<object MadCap:HTML5Video="true" src="Resources/Videos/wba_intro_hr.mp4" MadCap:Param_controls="true" MadCap:Param_volume="50%" MadCap:Param_loop="false" MadCap:Param_autoplay="false" style="width: 640px;height: 360px;" MadCap:Param_muted="false">
Propeller Head
Posts: 39
Joined: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:19 pm

Re: Control initial volume of embedded MP4 video

Post by zappy0 »

I found a temporary solution. Flare appears to convert the <object> tag to a <video> tag when publishing to HTML. Once I understood that, I was able to set the volume by using a script.

I've tried various JavaScript ideas, but I was unable to set an ID on the <object> tag and have that survive the transformation to the Video tag. Thus, I couldn't reference the video by ID in a script. However, I did find a solution where I can set the volume of the first Video element on a page. I suspect I could set up a For loop to set the volume for all video elements if I needed to, but having a ID would be nicer.

<body onload="setVolume()">
. . .
<object MadCap:HTML5Video="true" src="Resources/Videos/wba_intro_hr.mp4" MadCap:Param_controls="true" MadCap:Param_loop="false" MadCap:Param_autoplay="false" style="width: 640px;height: 360px;" MadCap:Param_muted="false">
. . .
function setVolume() {
document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].volume = 0.5;

Initial testing shows this works in Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

Please let me know if there is an easier way to do this without script.
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