How do I change the position of the search toolbar?

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Vibeke B
Propeller Head
Posts: 75
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:14 am
Location: Denmark

How do I change the position of the search toolbar?

Post by Vibeke B »

I am using a TopNav template with a SideMenu skin and a Searchbar skin in my OtherTopics master page (obvioulsy, there are other skins too). The search bar seems to be centered when I open the skin, but there is no alignment option like there is for a Toolbar skin. If I leave the size 100%, it displays all across the page. But I really want it to just above the left side menu, i.e. aligned left at perhaps 30% size.

I am thinking that maybe I have to work with the master page in a text editor and create a wrap to put the divs that contain the skins into the wrap, but I don’t really have sufficient html skills. I was hoping I could do directly this in Flare.

This is the code from the master page. It is straight from the template and I confess that I do not understand all of it, I really have no html skills :?
<div class="side-content">
<MadCap:searchBarProxy data-mc-skin="/Project/Skins/Topics-Searchbar.flskn" />
<div class="row collapse">
<div class="top-bar">
<MadCap:breadcrumbsProxy />
<div class="topic-layout">
<div class="side-menu">
<MadCap:menuProxy style="mc-toc-depth: 2;mc-context-sensitive: True;mc-include-parent: True;mc-include-siblings: True;mc-include-children: True;" data-mc-skin="/Project/Skins/SideMenu.flskn" />

Hoping for some useful tips - thanks!
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