Improved handling of links to headers 

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Improved handling of links to headers 

Post by yonatanlehman »

I just filed a feature request (support ticket S015433) -if you agree with me (or want to suggest alternatives or variations) - then please send the request to Madcap so that it gets some attention. Of course, if I'm wrong and this already exists I'll be delighted if you let me know.

When you add a cross-reference or hyperlink to a header in a topic e.g. <h2> or some other element and it does not already have a bookmark Flare "makes up" a bookmark name which seems to be the first word in the header + a number to avoid duplicated names on the same page.

The problem is that the first word is often not very representative (e.g headers how to do A, How to do B, How to do C - will have bookmarks names How, How2, How3).

This makes it difficult to see what you are referring to when you see the linked hyperlink in the XML editor and the URL is not user friendly.

To make matters worse:
  • a) There is no way I can see of creating the element name i.e. adding (<a name="How_to_A">) apart from editing explicitly in the XML
    b) If you rename the bookmark Madcap only renames it on the same page. If you refer to that bookmark on a different page you won't know until you do a build and look at the warnings or do an analysis, and then you need to manually fix it even if you referred to that bookmark in 100 places (or if you trust global search/replaces)
Request (In my order of priority)
1) When a bookmark is renamed it should be changed through the document in exactly the same way as references to topics are changed (nice to have - optimize out the global change if a bookmark is never referenced outside of its page)
2) Allow the bookmark name to be specified in the hyperlink/cross-reference dialog
3) Make Flare give a better bookmark name - e.g. all the words in the heading up to some maximum, with "_" between words (this should be the default in the dialog field of the previous point)
4) Add a way to add a name (<a name="How">) to an element
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