N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

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N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by GerardFalla »

Hello - total Flare n00b here:

I have an early dev document tester I've been working on - got everything the way we want, except that whenever I use an H1 or H2 heading, it's as though the CSS is set to say page break before - even though it's not.

That is, the PDF displays a new page for each para which starts with an H1 or an H2.
If however I create my own P.H1 class, though this gets me the PDF output I want, the TOC proxy no longer functions, as it is of course looking for the actual H1, H2 classes.
Unified PDF.png
I've been trawling through looking for anywhere else in Flare where print target pagination is controlled, from the empty page insertions in Targets to the Page Layouts to the TOC elements in the TOC file... I don't seem to be able to get both the short, unified document I want and the TOC proxy I want to co-exist!

Could someone perhaps point me in the correct direction?

Many thanks,

Gerard Falla
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by Rene Severens »


The TOC "reacts" with the Target "advanced" tab setting in section Generated TOC:
With option "Use TOC depth for heading levels" active, you can move the topics in the TOC file at the "level" (indented to the right in the TOC file) to show the heading for the topic. This means you can write all your topics with a H1. If the topic is in the root level of the TOC the it will be generated with H1 style. If it is indented 1 level, (so a topic inside a "book") it will have a H2 when generated, if indented twice it wil get a H3 when generated, etc.

You do not have to create a p.h1 style for this.

When adding topics to the TOC, for each topic that is positioned at root level, Rightclick the topic in the TOC and set a pacge break. This must NOT be done for indented topics, so then it will not create a page break in the output.

Check this in your target and TOC.

Rene Severens
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by GerardFalla »

Thank you for your reply, Rene.

The issue I'm struggling with isn't in fact with TOC depth, or TOC auto-generate vs manual, but rather that I cannot find where I can prevent the behaviour in which each H1 or H2 forces a new page to be started in the PDF output: these occur in one topic, and should be able to co-exist in one topic without new pages being forced on PDF output, from all I can see in the Flare documentation, nonetheless I can't seem to prevent this automatic pagination; my choice to create a new style for headings was exclusively to prevent this auto-pagination.

The TOC, when I was using the default H1 & H2, looked exactly as I wanted; once I switched to the manually-created p.h1 & p.h2, I got control of the forced pagination issue, but of course lost the ability for the TOC proxy to "see" TOC generating content, and so lost any TOC proxy content. I want both - no forced pagination using H1 & H2, and therefore proper TOC proxy content.

Nonetheless, your answer is excellent TOC function background information, and will help me immensely once I can get this pagination issue licked and go back to the proper H1 & H2 styles, so again - thanks!
Gerard Falla
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by Nita Beck »

Gerald, I see from your screenshots that you have based your project on one of Flare's "advanced print" templates.

The page breaking is coming from the stylesheet. More precisely, your project's stylesheet is inheriting some style definitions from the Flare application's stylesheet, deep in its bowels. Even more precisely, these styles are likely defined in the print medium. You need to "turn off" that page breaking.

Open your project's stylesheet. In the Stylesheet Editor, make sure you are viewing the print medium. Select the heading style that is giving you the page breaks. Open the PrintSupport section of that style's properties. Look for the page-break-before attribute. I am betting it's set to "always". *That's* what's causing your page breaks. Change that attribute to "avoid". Rebuild. Does that work?

Hope this helps.
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by GerardFalla »


Many thanks - you were spot on: I had failed to be sure that when looking at the style sheet I was viewing the correct medium, and exactly as you predicted, the H1 heading has the page-break-before inherited from the application stylesheet showing the value "always".

That would indeed be my culprit.
Medium in CSS.png
Thank you so much: your response was an immense and immediate help.

I'd also like to take a moment to say that the Flare community seems strong, helpful, rich in experience and diversity, energetic and above all, welcoming - kudos all!

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Gerard Falla
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by Nita Beck »

You're very welcome, Gerald. We were all Flare N00bs once!

Be sure also to visit the Users of MadCap Flare on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/86373) and the new Slack community for Flare user groups. (Even people who aren't in local Flare groups are hanging out there. I'm one of the admins, so I can let you in. Just PM me your location and email address.)
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by 88Schwind »

I am seeing this issue also. Every heading starts on a new page. I checked the page break attribute in the style sheet and I don't have any setting applied for it. How can I fix this?
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Re: N00b question: H1 causes pagination @ PDF: change this?

Post by doloremipsum »

It probably is set, it's just not showing it to you. Same process - set that field to 'avoid' and it should prevent the page breaks.
in hoc foro dolorem ipsum amamus, consectimur, adipisci volumus.
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