Illegal characters in path

This forum is for all Flare issues related to PDF, eBook, Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker, XPS, and XHTML book targets.
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Propeller Head
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Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:55 am

Illegal characters in path

Post by LarsLyhne »

This is strange

For quite some time, I've constructed my Output file as Interfaces - API FTP Dispatch - v.[%=Global_variables.Version_coverpage%]. I has been working as a charm.

But today Flare 17.2 won't accept this. It builds my PDF as usual but then it fails.

After trial-and-error-testing, I found that Flare no longer (in this Project) accepts a file name that ends with a variable. And that's strange, because it did before.
Actually, if Output File contains a variable, it fails to build a PDF.

Flare builds when Output File = (Default) .. but I want that just as little as I want to manually add the version number to the Output File.

You should look into this, as variables are an integral part of file names.

Br Lars :flare:
Kind regards

~ Lars Lyhne ~
Master Propellus Maximus
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Re: Illegal characters in path

Post by NorthEast »

LarsLyhne wrote:You should look into this, as variables are an integral part of file names.
If you want MadCap to look at it, you need to report it to MadCap as a bug.

Although MadCap run the forums and might read some of these messages, these forums are mainly for users to help each other.
Propeller Head
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 3:35 pm

Re: Illegal characters in path

Post by jmcgill »

We ran into this same issue with Madcap Flare 2023 for PDF and Word targets. The target files were corrupt. To correct the issue, we created new targets.
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