Thanks Nita! I created an animated gif in Snagit (so easy! with looped selected) and was only able to insert it into my Flare project as an image. And that's exactly what it did--inserted an image of the first frame of video into my project. I didn't see an Insert > Multimedia option for gif.

This is my last piece of this struggle. Will any other option in that Multimedia menu work?
In Flare's micro content video (15 of 15, how Madcap team uses micro content), Paul Stocklein added an automated gif file as micro content to a set of quick steps in the knowledge panel (via a FAQ proxy, I think--which is what I did). That is where I got this idea, and naturally, assumed there was a feature somewhere in Flare or Mimic for that. Sigh

I didn't see the webinar where Paul talked about the tool he used to create the automated gif (mine is already created). Does he talk about how to import it into the Flare project so that the video plays automatically when the user sees it?