Ctrl+C throwing error in Flare

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Kathleen McC
Jr. Propeller Head
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Ctrl+C throwing error in Flare

Post by Kathleen McC »

The key stroke combo to copy text <Ctrl+C> is throwing an error in Flare. Instead of copying to your clipboard, it deletes the selected text and replaces it with the letter "c". The error is:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException occured @ datetime

Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed.

I've sent the report to MadCap. Anyone else experiencing this? This is happening to numerous members of my team. One solution has been to execute the command sequence verrrryyyy sssslllooowwwly. Not much of a solution...we are Central users...lag time hang time???
Propellus Maximus
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Re: Ctrl+C throwing error in Flare

Post by Psider »

Not exactly the same problem, but I recently was getting a lot of exception errors doing all sorts of things. Doing a Repair on the Flare installation fixed most of the errors for me. Could be worth trying on one PC to see if it helps.
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