I'm having issues with both eps and svg images, in both HTML and PDF output. I would like to use the same images in both HTML and PDF output, but there are problems with both.
(1) eps files in PDF output: Images and image text are crisp. Image size is exactly as planned. Text used in images matches the size of body text, which is what I want. (I set the size in the eps files to match the text size in my css files.)
(2) eps files in HTML output: Images and image text look like crappy jpegs. Image size is smaller than expected. Text used in images is smaller than the body text. Images are not responsive (which is fine with me).
(3) svg files in PDF output: Images and image text are crisp. Image size is smaller than expected. Text used in images is smaller than the body text.
(4) svg files in HTML output: Images and image text are crisp. Images are responsive; they resize automatically based on the window size. Ideally the images wouldn't resize.
What could I be doing wrong? Or is this a Flare thing? I would really like to not have to prepare an online and PDF version of all my images.