Importing HTML5 project?

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Importing HTML5 project?

Post by Jeanne_W »

Hi, does anyone here have experience with importing .adoc (Asciidoc) files or their generated HTML output into Flare? I have read through the Import Guide, and the HTML import seems to be working fine. I understand that it keeps the folder structure of the imported files and, when you select to import linked resources, imports images and maintains existing links between files, but I am wondering if the import also creates the TOC?

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Re: Importing HTML5 project?

Post by SKamprowski »


I am not a Flare specialist, and I do not know asciidoc. If asciidoc exports a TOC in a seperate file, it might be possible to transform it into an xml file .fltoc that will be accepted in your Flare project.
MadCap Flare has a 194 pages "Table of Contents Guide" which might help you to find the way that fits you most!
Kind regards,
Sabine Kamprowski
DocToHelp MVP (by ComponentOne)
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Re: Importing HTML5 project?

Post by zappy0 »

I have submitted a feature request for an AsciiDoc importer at ... quest.aspx (I suspect other users have done the same). Even if the importer just converted AsciiDoc format to HTML files and overwrote previous imports (i.e. do what the Markdown import does currently) it would allow us to avoid using other applications to do the initial conversion to HTML and allow us to keep Flare as the central application.
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