Publish failed - Access to path [file name] is denied

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Propeller Head
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Publish failed - Access to path [file name] is denied

Post by RMooney »


A user in my organization was publishing a project and received the below error:

"Publish failed: Access to the path [file name] is denied."

He is able to navigate to that file and edit it manually, so he appears to have full rights to the file, but for some reason Flare thinks he does not have access. We also found that the file is getting set to read-only, and we tried manually removing the 'read-only' flag, but the issue persists. We also tried creating a copy of the file, deleting the original, and renaming the copy to the original filename, but we run into the same issue.

Can anyone suggest what we can do?

Master Propellus Maximus
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Re: Publish failed - Access to path [file name] is denied

Post by NorthEast »

I'd suggest contacting MadCap support.

I had this issue around 10 years ago in Flare v11. When I published targets from projects bound to source control (TFS), the published files (usually images) were being set as read only. So if any of these files had to be replaced the next time I published, the publish would fail as Flare couldn't overwrite read only files in the destination folder.

Before MadCap fixed the bug, my workaround was to run a batch script to remove the read only attribute from the files in the destination folder. I'd run the batch script before each publish.
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