Drop-down text from FrameMaker files

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Sr. Propeller Head
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Joined: Tue May 13, 2008 3:27 pm
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Drop-down text from FrameMaker files

Post by GregStenhouse »

After some experimentation, I have been able to generate drop-down text from FrameMaker, while retaining a nice print output from Frame. Here's how:

Using FrameMaker:
[<MadCap:dropDown>][<MadCap:dropDownHead>]Text for the drop down hotspot[</MadCap:dropDownHead>][<MadCap:dropDownBody>][<!--]¶
[-->]This is the hidden text to be displayed when clicking the hotspot.[</MadCap:dropDownBody>][</MadCap:dropDown>]¶

  • [ ] = a FrameMaker PassThrough marker
  • ¶ = line break/enter
  • The para styles can generally be anything in Frame, the MadCap|DropDown styles have precedence.
  • The paragraph end in the middle is commented out via <!-- -->, as Flare requires this to be one whole paragraph. Things go haywire if this is not done (i.e. the raw code is output as text).
Using Flare:
  1. (Import>Options), select the Enable Passthrough Markers check box, and set the format to Fragment
  2. Set the following styles
  • MadCap|DropDown (e.g. set different images for mc-closed-image and mc-open-image, and margins top and bottom)
  • MadCap|DropDownHead (e.g. set a different font-color)
  • MadCap|DropDownBody (e.g. set a background-color, and margin top to separate from the DropDownHead)
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