Lines appear to snap to grid

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Propeller Head
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 3:08 pm

Lines appear to snap to grid

Post by spinsterweaver »

I am making callouts that consist of an unbordered label and a 2-segment line that points to the item in question. The lines typically extend left to right and make a 90-degree turn to point up. The "up" part can be very short, and so frequently comes out crooked or leaning slightly left or right. When I try to drag the point back to a right angle, as soon as I let go of it it snaps back to where it was. I've searched help for "snap to grid" and can't find anything in there. Any idea what's going on?

Propellus Maximus
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Re: Lines appear to snap to grid

Post by Andrew »

It does, to a limited extent, snap to a grid. There's no setting to turn that off. The way around it is to click one of the "nodes" of the capture box and use the arrow keys to move it pixel-by-pixel.
Flare v6.1 | Capture 4.0.0
Propeller Head
Posts: 30
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 3:08 pm

Re: Lines appear to snap to grid

Post by spinsterweaver »

I'm trying to do this with a polyline. I can't figure out how to select a single node of the line to move it. Is there a special key combination to select a single node of a line?
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