Improving WebHelp Mobile output scores

This forum is for all Flare issues related to the WebHelp Mobile target and skins
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Jr. Propeller Head
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 7:50 am

Improving WebHelp Mobile output scores

Post by BradJolly »


I am using Keynote Mobile Internet Testing Environment (MITE) to test WebHelp Mobile output, and it frequently gives me low scores for the following reasons:

1) Are static objects cached? (I assume that they think this would be a good thing, but I don't know how to specify this in Flare.)
2) If the device supports specific accept-encoding, the content server should compress the text-based content to minimize the bandwidth usage and speed up the transfer. (Is there a way to specify this in Flare?)
3) Avoid free text entry where possible. (An example that they object to is <input id="searchField" name="query" type="text">)
4) Reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining your CSS.
5) Declare JavaScript code at the end of the page when possible to avoid blocking the download of other elements while downloading JavaScript. (My project contains no custom JavaScript - only what Flare generates).

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
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