basic issue saving building and publishing.

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basic issue saving building and publishing.

Post by fltii »

hey all i really need some help on this,

while trying to fix an issue that turned out to be something else, i tried different ways of deleting the output folder so that my skin changes would configure properly (a common work around for what i think is still a bug in flare5) and changed the way my output folder, that is to be committed using tortise svn, is configured, and now i am not sure how to get all of the correct pieces of data back into that folder so i can upload to my web application.

so my question is this:

just for verification, my folder should contain:
these directories:

and these files
flare prj file
default (html file)
default (jscript file)
default (mcwebhelp file)
default (xml document)
default_csh (html file)
default_left (html file)

but when i save, i am not able to save all to a new folder

and when i build to that folder, all that shows is an output folder that contains a new target folder that contains content, data, and skin directories, and all of the default files listed above.

when i publish that to the same folder, it adds a content, data, and skin directories, and catapult.log and all the default files above, but does so in the top level folder (which is where i want them?)
but in both cases the Analyzer directory, the project directory and the flare prj file are left out.

i have obviously broken the proper configuration to get my changes to update via SVN.

how can i re-do this so that it saves, builds and publishes correctly?

i understand this is starting from scratch... can someone explain to me what i am doing wrong?

let me know if you need any other info from me in order to help.

Sr. Propeller Head
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Re: basic issue saving building and publishing.

Post by bobmoon »

I'm not sure I follow all of your question, but I think you may be confusing the project folder structure with the output folder structure. When you create a new project, Flare creates the folder structure as in your first list. If you need to move a project (or if you're adding a project to source control), you should grab all of the files and folders at that root project level where the FLPRJ file is. (Though we do not store the Analyzer folder in source control since it is huge and is automatically generated.)

When you build your web help project, Flare creates a similar folder structure in your output destination folder (by default that is the Output folder in your root project folder). It sounds from your message like you were expecting your output folder to contain the same folders and files as your project folders, but the output only contains the files required for viewing the web help. It was confusing to me at first because the folder names are similar.

I'm not sure if that helps, but maybe it will help clarify your questions.

Adrian Durand
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Re: basic issue saving building and publishing.

Post by Adrian Durand »


One thing to try is to specify your output folder to be a totally separate folder on your PC,

E.g. C:\FlareOutput

As long as this is specified in your target, theroutput should always be put into this folder, and you can always delete the contents in order ot ensure that the latest changes are output.
I would also create a separate publishing folder (C:\FlarePublish) to ensure that the output and published files are kept apart.

One other point, it sounds like you want the output and published files kept within svn. If I have read this right, I would have to ask why?
I do not presently use source control, being the only author, but have seen quite a few other posts on here whuch state that the output does not need to be under svn as long as the source files are.


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