Flar 6.1/7 508 issues

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Jr. Propeller Head
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:10 pm

Flar 6.1/7 508 issues

Post by wndsfr »

I recently upgraded to Flare 7.0 in the hope that its "enhanced" 508 support will reolve some issues. However, I'm still seeing the following issues which require much laborious effort to clean up in the tagged PDF so that it will pass the Acrobat 508 checks:

1. Both the TOC and index seem to be structured as many one-line (TD) tables. Because these tables have no TH tags, they generate dozens of "no TH" errors.

Efforts to clear these tables all fail, except for manually deleting them from the tagged PDF structure.

2. I see about 16 instances of "Elements with alt text but no associated page content". No idea where these are coming from, and again the fix is to walk the PDF tag structure (thousands of tags) to look for elements outside of a container. However, I can't seem to find the offending tags. I've checked all 900+ topics ion the project to make sure that all imagees and tables are correctly tagged with alt text, table summaries, titles and TH tags.

3. When trying to isolate problems by deleting pages from the PDF, actrobat complains that the structure is invalid, starting at the TOC page

These documents previously received 508 certification when generated out of Framemaker. I'm filing a support request under our maint contract, but wonderd if anyone had seen these issues also.
Jr. Propeller Head
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:10 pm

PDF 508 Not ready for Prime Time

Post by wndsfr »

I logged these issues were logged with Madcap Tech support and they have opened a Bug. it looks like PDF 508 compliance is broken in 7.0 and 7.1

The upshot is that even very small PDF files will fail Acrobat's 508 checks (which is what most certifiers use for a check.) I'm in the proces of getting a JAWS license so I can find out whether the PDF really does break the screen reader - to see if we can get waivers on the PDF.

The WEbhelp output seems to pass all Madcap's internal checks, so I'm submitting that for certification instead.
Propeller Head
Posts: 43
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:28 am
Location: Ashtead, Surrey, UK

Re: Flar 6.1/7 508 issues

Post by Judith »

Can you let me know how you get on?

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