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GhostScript Crashing

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:23 am
by ruthhoward
I'm currently testing Flare with a long-term intention of converting some large, old, HTML Help Workshop projects which have a lot of equations in them. In the old projects these equations were written in Word (2007 with its nice equation tool), screenshots taken and then embedded in the topics just as images. However, it seemed sensible to exploit Flare's equation editing capabilities (Flare had me install GhostScript when I selected Insert | Equation for the first time) so I tried writing out an embedded equation image in the Equation Editor.

But I only get a little way into typing the equation when the Equation Editor and Flare stop responding - normally after I've pressed a right or left arrow key to go to the end of the equation so that the next item isn't grouped with the current one - I can't continue typing or switch to the Source view of the equation or open any of the menus. The only way to proceed is to close the Equation Editor, thus losing however much of the equation I managed to type.

Here's the situation I'm left with:
equation crash.png
I had entered the ρ character and then pressed the right arrow key and voila - nothing is responding, I've waited 5 mins before giving up and closing the editor.

If I open some other program in front of the Equation Editor and then go back to it the display inside the dialog still shows whatever the contents of the other program were for that part of the screen -its really stopped working and isn't self-rendering any more.

Once I've closed the Equation Editor the Insert | Equation option is greyed out in the Flare menu until I change move the cursor position in the topic in focus.

Anyone got any idea how to fix this?? or deal with it? are there other equation editors I can use with Flare? I really don't want to have to type out the MathML and then paste it into the GhostScript editor.

Re: GhostScript Crashing

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:03 am
by marvin mallari
Try clearing Flare's registry to see if this may be causing the plug-in to freeze.

*Please Note:
- Before you clear the registry, make sure Flare is closed.
- have the license key information.

The following are the steps of accessing the registry:

1) Click on Start menu and then Run.
2) In the Run dialog, type in "regedit" and click the OK button.
3) In the Registry Editor, go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/MadCap Software folder.
4) Find the Flare folder, select and press the Delete key.

We were unable to duplicate the issue on our end but we would like to find out the cause.

If anyone else is experiencing the behavior, please fill out our bug form below:

Attach the exported registration file to the form so we can determine what is causing the behavior.

Here are the steps for exporting the registration file:
- Click the Start Button
- In the search bar, type "regedit"
- Locate the MadCap Software Folder and right-click to export
- Save it to any location
- Attach the file to the form