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Problems adding new file to project linked to source control

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:13 pm
by navoff
This is a new problem that began in Flare 9. It use to be when you went to add a new topic in a project that was linked to source control (in our case SourceSafe version 8.0.50727.4414), that a window would popup during the copy file to project phase that would give you the option to add the file to source control or not. For example:
That step is no longer in the new version of Flare. So, as a result, files that get added have the green "plus" mark next to them indicating they haven't been added to SourceSafe.

Here are the problems we've been encountering:
  1. after adding the file to the project, we'll manually add the file to source control. Flare does not refresh to show that the file has, indeed, been added (i.e. still shows the green plus sign).
    However, SourceSafe shows the file as checked in:
    The only way to resolve the problem is to exit and restart Flare.
  2. Adding a file to the project but not adding it to source control, exiting Flare then re-opening and re-importing from source control and getting a conflict between the local copy and the copy in SourceSafe.
  3. Editing a file, saving it, checking it back into source control and getting a conflict the next time the project is opened.
The other writer noticed that he was trouble free with a project he was working on that he'd created and added to SourceSafe until I downloaded a copy of the project and opened it in Flare (though I didn't make any changes to the files).

Unfortunately, the problems don't happen consistently so it's hard to figure out what, exactly, is triggering them. I just know that I'm having a lot more trouble with Flare:
  1. recognizing when files are added to source control
  2. reconciling the file content between the local copy and SourceSafe
I regularly have to go through a bunch of new or edited files when I restart Flare and resolve conflicts. I rarely had to do that in previous versions of Flare.

Re: Problems adding new file to project linked to source control

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:04 am
by Msquared
If you need to work directly in source control outside of Flare at any point, you can reconcile the two again using Source Control > Refresh in Flare.

I use Perforce and always check in directly from Perforce, as I have more control over the checkin options there. I just select my Contents folder and refresh it, then my Project folder and refresh it. I do this again as I'm working if I get more problems.

The status shown in Sorcesafe will be the correct one.

Re: Problems adding new file to project linked to source control

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:43 am
by navoff
Msquared wrote:If you need to work directly in source control outside of Flare at any point, you can reconcile the two again using Source Control > Refresh in Flare.

I use Perforce and always check in directly from Perforce, as I have more control over the checkin options there. I just select my Contents folder and refresh it, then my Project folder and refresh it. I do this again as I'm working if I get more problems.

The status shown in Sorcesafe will be the correct one.
Actually, we rarely work directly in SourceSafe. The only time we do is if Flare is having trouble checking a file in or out. In some cases, we've actually had to unlink from source control and, either delete the local copy or delete the version in SourceSafe and then start over with either downloading it to our local PCs or adding the project to SourceSafe. This has been primarily since we upgraded to Flare 9.

Re: Problems adding new file to project linked to source control

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:29 am
by Msquared
I have to work partly directly in Perforce, as Flare only plays well with Perforce for some games and not others. I do envy anyone who uses a source control system that Flare gets on well with. I usually have to use Source Control > Refresh several times a day. :-)

But since Flare 9.1.1, Flare works far better with Perforce than it did before, which is a bonus for me, but possibly not for you by the sound of it.

There is now an option (Options > Source Control > Show Prompt to Add Autocreated Files to Source Control). I think that may be new in Flare 9. Have you got that set?

Re: Problems adding new file to project linked to source control

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:42 pm
by navoff
Here's a perfect example of the problem. I added a topic to a project then manually checked the .htm file in, checking the Keep Checked Out box and exited from Flare. Then I added some images to the file and saved it. Note: all the files had the Add to Source Control box checked when they were added. I exited Flare and when I opened the project back up, I selected Yes when asked to get the latest versions of the files. I received the following popup:
Notice that all the graphics I added as well as the TOC file that need to be "resolved". I then have to go through each one and manually resolve (since the default seems to be to discard all local changes). In some cases, just clicking the Resolve button fixes it but for most of them, I have to tell it to discard the external changes.

And yes, I have the Show Prompt to Add Autocreated Files to Source Control checked. By rights, none of those files should have needed to be "resolved".