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Headers, indexes and variable definitions

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:35 am
by Babs
I have apparently stumbled upon a bug in Lingo 10. It involves the inclusion of variable definitions in header elements and keyword definitions.
If a header element contains a variable definition, the translation in the header segment is not exported to Flare. I can work around this by removing keywords and name tags from the header and placing them in a paragraph (either new, thus leaving a blank line, or an existing paragraph as long as it contains more than one variable itself) below the header.
A similar problem arises in keywords themselves. If a keyword contains a variable definition it is not converted correctly and becomes a chinese character on export (or preview). This can be generally corrected, but not always, by using the same procedure as above.
Our multi-target Flare project has 5000 topics. Many of these are affected by this problem. It is therefore not possible to workaround the problem manually and anyway, it involves making changes to the source topics which must be reverted asap. Plus the workaround is not watertight; there are a number exceptions.
Has anyone experienced these problems and can offer temporary solutions whilst support and the dev team brood over them in the meantime?

Example including both issues:
<h1 id="CIHBHFGH" uid_xml="C21BC455-ADB8-4895-9D77-E9D947C33851"><a name="C21BC455-ADB8-4895-9D77-E9D947C33851"></a>
<MadCap:keyword term="[%=ProductVarSet.ProductName%]:Datenmodell;[%=ProductVarSet.ProductName%] Schema" />Datenmodell des <MadCap:variable name="ProductVarSet.ProductName" /></h1>

In this example, the phrase "Datenmodell des " is not translated although the translation exists in the xlf file and the variable in the keyword is converted to a chinese character.

Much obliged for any advice,

P.S. Flattening is not an option. This all worked fine in Lingo 9.

Re: Headers, indexes and variable definitions

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:44 pm
by SteveS
Have you lodged the bug with Madcap?

Not using Lingo myself that's about all I can add...

Re: Headers, indexes and variable definitions

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 1:25 am
by Babs
The bug has been with support and was escalated some weeks ago. Still no fix...That's why I though I'd give the forum a go.