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Logic of Conditional Tag Include Vs Exclude

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:36 am
by archana_r

Am using Flare 2017. I would like to know the logic of include vs exclude conditional tags.

For Example, I have two conditional tags, say 'Yes' and 'No' and only 'Yes' must be build. So in target it is mentioned to include 'Yes' and to exclude 'No'. I have 4 folders in Content explorer, say Content1, Content2, Content3 and Content4. In each Content folder I have 3 topics.

Case1: Content1 folder is set to 'Yes'
Case2: Content2 folder is set to 'No'
Case3: Content3 folder is set to 'No' but second topic in it is set to 'Yes'
Case4: Content4 folder is set to 'Yes' but second topic in it is set to 'No'

Content1 folder is included in the output
Content2 folder not included
Content3 folder is included only with second topic in the folder
Content4 folder is included fully.

In Case4: Why is it including second topic of Content4 folder even though it is mentioned not to include 'No'.

Re: Logic of Conditional Tag Include Vs Exclude

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:59 am
by NorthEast
First of all, I would take some time out to understand what the Include option actually does, because it confuses almost everyone.

In most cases, including your example, you don't need to set a condition to Include.

If you don't select Include or Exclude, content with that condition is already included in the output - it's only excluded if you select Exclude.
So you don't have to tick Include in the target to include that content in the output.

Think of the Include option as an override, so this condition takes precedence over other conditions which are set to be excluded.
So if you have two different conditions set on the same topic or content, and one is set to Include and one is set to Exclude, then the condition with Include wins.

If you're not sure, perhaps take a look at Flare's help: ... t=Beginner

Re: Logic of Conditional Tag Include Vs Exclude

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:46 pm
by Paulie
Case 3 and 4 are worth highlighting, as there are differences between how these scenarios are played out at the topic and file level, and this caused me a lot of frustration when I was new to Flare.

Let's assume that conditions are applied to a table/table row at the topic level (although it could be any nested element):

Case1: Content1 table is set to 'Yes'
Case2: Content2 table is set to 'No'
Case3: Content3 table is set to 'No' but second row in it is set to 'Yes'
Case4: Content4 table is set to 'Yes' but second row in it is set to 'No'

Content1 table is included in the output
Content2 table not included
Content3 entire table is not included.
Content4 table is included but second row is excluded.

To me this makes perfect sense, as if the parent (table) does not exist, how can the child (table row)?

When I was getting to grips with Flare, I had a lot of 'robust' discussions with MadCap support around how files and folders handle conditions, as in my mind the following folder/file scenario was broken:

Case3: Content3 folder is set to 'No' but second topic in it is set to 'Yes'
Output: Content3 folder is included only with second topic in the folder

This still seems wrong to me. (How can the child (file) exist without the parent (folder) and why is the folder created when it is explicitly excluded?) I have learned to live with this inconsistency. However, I thought it was worth pointing out in case it causes confusion for others.

Re: Logic of Conditional Tag Include Vs Exclude

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:14 pm
by archana_r
Thank You for the responses :)

Re: Logic of Conditional Tag Include Vs Exclude

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:58 am
by Paul Griffiths
Totally agree that this can be confusing and counter-intuitive.

Bottom line is that conditions applied to a folder act as if they were applied to all the files within and beneath that folder.