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Can't see published articles in Salesforce

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 11:18 am
by asbahr+
I am trying out the new Salesforce Connect publishing destination. My Flare log file tells me I am successful, but I don't see my article in my Salesforce organization.

How can I troubleshoot this?

Ana Bahr

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:49 am
by LeslieT
Did you get a separate license for it? I read in the docs that it needs its own license. It would be good to experiment with it before deciding that you want to use it.

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 12:07 pm
by asbahr+
I figured it out. I had a required field set on my article type in Salesforce that the topic in Flare didn't have. I made the field optional and then everything started working.

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 3:45 am
by asbahr+
LeslieT wrote:Did you get a separate license for it? I read in the docs that it needs its own license. It would be good to experiment with it before deciding that you want to use it.
There is a thirty day trial for the Salesforce app. It worked really well. I did have a little bit of a hard time setting it up because I am not a Salesforce expert. Essentially, here is what I had to do:

1. Install Flare using the Custom Install with the Salesforce piece enabled.
2. In Flare, set up the Salesforce Destination with my Salesforce Credentials etc. That triggers a setup process in Salesforce but does not complete it.
3. Log into Salesforce and go to Setup. Under Manage Apps select Connected Apps OAuth. MadCap was listed there. I had to click Install to complete the process.
4 In Flare, set up a Clean XHTML Target in Flare. (On the General tab I enabled the "Convert stylesheet styles to inlnline styles" because the stylesheet in my Salesforce organization is not great.)
5. Set conditions on a few topics so those are the ones that get sent to Salesforce.
6. Do a build. And Voila! New articles.

Now I just have to convince my boss that I can't live without it.

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 7:10 am
by LeslieT
Thanks, asbahr, for that summary.

Do you know the cost on this extra license? I don't want to bother proposing it and doing a PoC if it is not worth the cost to the higher ups.

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 1:10 pm
by Cwestpha

The Salesforce Connect license is a yearly subscription license of $2400/year/user.

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:03 pm
by LeslieT
Cwestpha wrote:Leslie,

The Salesforce Connect license is a yearly subscription license of $2400/year/user.
Thanks, that is good to know! Seems kind of pricey (more than a whole Flare license).

Does anyone know how it handles article changes? For example, if you published to Salesforce and later make changes to the source files and then do a new build and publish, does Salesforce know it is the same article?

Re: Can't see published articles in Saleforce

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:37 pm
by asbahr+
Hi Leslie,

I did try the update scenario and Salesforce does figure out that it is the same article and updates it properly. So modifying articles you have already published seems to work well.

Regards, Ana