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Create single-language target in Flare (no default language)

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:32 pm
by 3lliot
In the Language tab of the target editor for Flare, it appears to be impossible to remove the 'default' language, so when I build a target with translated content it builds the English one with the translated version appended to the bottom.

I just want to output a PDF with the translated content only.

Am I missing something?

Re: Create single-language target in Flare (no default langu

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 4:32 am
by Nita Beck
It sounds like you have English and translated content all within the same Flare project, maybe even within individual topics (? English at the top, translation at the bottom of each topic?). Usually folks have an English version of an entire project and a wholly separate other language version of the same project. They produce the different language PDFs out of the different projects.

Given that it sounds like you have both sets of content in the same project, you’re most likely going to need to use conditioning so that you can explicitly exclude content from your PDF targets. The English PDF will exclude the translated content; the translation PDF will exclude the English content.

I hope I have not misunderstood you.

Re: Create single-language target in Flare (no default langu

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:01 pm
by 3lliot
I don't have translated content in the Flare project - the translated content resides in the Lingo project.

So I can go to an output (PDF) target, add a new language under the default language (English) and link to the Lingo project so it pulls in the translated content when I build the PDF.

But there does not appear to be a way to exclude the default language and only output the translated content from the Lingo project.

Which means any translated PDF I produce has to include both English and the translated content. Which seems insane.

I don't want to maintain multiple Flare projects for each product, one project for each language. I have 40 projects to manage and adding 3 new languages to those would mean I now have 160 Flare projects.

There must be some way to get around this.

Re: Create single-language target in Flare (no default langu

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:00 pm
by 3lliot
Have since discovered that single-language PDFs are put in the output tmp directory.