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Publishing to Git - help needed FIXED

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:04 am
by oceanclub
EDIT: I found a fix for below. The URL has spaces in it, and you need to replace those with %20.

Hi all,

We have a request to publish our PDF guides to a particular directory in a Git repository so they can be packaged with the code. (Our source files are in Git as well)

I've set up a destination with the following attributes:
  • Type: Source Control
  • Directory: C:\Code\{project_name}\DOC - the DOC subdirectory of the code base which I've checked out. (This field cannot be empty and has to be local, which I assume means I must have the repository I wanted to publish to checked out locally?)
  • Provider Type: Git (detected using the Detect button)
  • Push to Remote: Turned on
  • Database: file:///C:/Code/{project_name}/.git (detected using the Detect button)
  • Remote Repository The alias for the URL of the repository: of the form{product_name}/{p ... oject_name}/
  • Database Root: file:///C:/Code/{project_name}/DOC (detected using the Detect button)
  • Credentials: My usual git credentials
When I publish, I end with the following error:

Code: Select all

fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
fatal: unable to access '{product_name}/{project_name}/_git/{project_name}/': The requested URL returned error: 400
Publish failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
Any help appreciated,


Re: Publishing to Git - help needed FIXED

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 2:01 pm
by Lsawyer
I am about to try to do this and would appreciate any insights you may have.