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Publishing with madbuild.exe

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 7:41 am
by olopeich
Hi there!

I'm trying to publish to an ftp server from the command line with madbuild.exe but I'm unable to transfer the files when the build is finished.

My command line is something like this:

madbuild.exe -project project.flprj -target target.fltar -credentials "{\"\": {\"username\":\"mysser\", \"password\": \"mypass\"}}"

It's quite simple but if the target target.fltar doesn't have a destination assigned in Flare, the app shows "Publish skipped: No destination selected". If I assign a destination file it seems like madbuild.exe uses this destination data, and not the data I'm passing it in the command line.

Is it possible to publish in a different place from the command line? if not, what is the purpose of -credentials?

I also tried with a json with the same outcome.

Thans in advance