Can't update or override page title on page load

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Jr. Propeller Head
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Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:15 pm

Can't update or override page title on page load

Post by pinefogflatpetrichor »

My company's SEO team passed along some reports that our docs have a number of SEO errors related to duplicate page titles. I'm a web developer who is fairly unfamiliar with Madcap Flare in general.

I looked around in the exported pages and it looks like the page containing the frame overrides the page title to some generic title on load.

Looking around in the JS, I can see the correct title in `Connect.page_info.title` and tried adding some js to the index.html file to update the title onload. No matter what I do I can't get it to update. I've used a number of on load events, set a timeout, run code on an interval, but it just won't seem to update the main document's title. There's even a native `Connect.UpdateTitle()` function in there being called but it doesn't seem to have any affect either.

Running `document.title = Connect.page_info.title` from my browser console works so I know the necessary title is there.

Is there something I'm missing or not understanding here?

These are old docs that can't be re-generated so I'll have to just work with the existing docs.

Thank you!
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