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Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:15 am
by rkiskan
Is there any way to kill the scanning totally? I don't just want to optimize it, I want to stop it 100%?


Re: Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:29 am
by NorthEast
Not that I know of - there's just the option to disable collecting phrases (Tools>Options, Analyzer tab), which speeds things up a little bit.

Re: Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:54 pm
by Skooter
Good question. I was wondering the same thing. Should be a feature request along the lines of ("I never asked for this, i :shock: f I want to analyse my project I will use Analyzer thanks very much...)

Re: Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:34 am
by Richard Ferrell
It not possible to competly turn off the scan part of Flare. You can disable the Advance scan under tools, Options, Analyzer settings.

Re: Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:39 am
by LTinker68
Skooter wrote:I was wondering the same thing. Should be a feature request along the lines of ("I never asked for this, i :shock: f I want to analyse my project I will use Analyzer thanks very much...)
You were drowned out by the people who thought the features in Analyzer should have been included in Flare. But it seems like there should be an option to totally disable the Analyzer features in Flare, especially if you have the full version of Analyzer that you can use. Or, for those who want Analyzer in Flare, then temporarily disable it while they're doing a lot of writing, then turn it back on just before they're about to release their output so that they can check everything one last time.

Re: Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:54 pm
by mattbnh
Given that in 4.1 SP1 Analyzer goes off and pegs my machine at 100% CPU sometimes when I insert a space, maybe if full Analyzer had a off switch, it would really boost sales.

As it is, I wish I had never heard the word Analyzer. It is killing my productivity on large projects.

Please add an off switch, or a startup command line parameter or something. I turn off the Options>disable collecting phrases and Intellisenseless, and I still get bogged down.

I like the reports, but if I could run them on demand only that would be better, even if it took 10 minutes.

PS - I still love you guys. It has just been a long day at the office, and my system just seems to love analyzing.

Re: Any way to disable scanning ... totally...?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:50 am
by KevinDAmery
As usual, if you've got a request, submit it here:

Madcap support does monitor the forums, but they don't always catch everything (their official job is responding to maintenance contract requests, not forum posts). So requests that are made via the forums might get added to their system, or they might not. Submitting them through the form guarantees that they'll receive it.