Zurb Foundation Stuff

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Jr. Propeller Head
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Zurb Foundation Stuff

Post by BPAT »

Is there some kind of secret to getting the Zurb things to work? I've tried tooltips, buttons, accordions, etc. and nothing seems to work. I was able to do some end-around stuff with Bootstrap and get things like I mentioned to work, but then BS's styles take over Flare's styles and break other things.

There's got to be something I'm doing wrong. I thought Flare used Foundation?

And I should mention I've tried this is the top nav and tri pane outputs and neither works.
Master Propellus Maximus
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Re: Zurb Foundation Stuff

Post by NorthEast »

Flare only uses/includes parts of Foundation; mainly just the foundation grid.
If you want to see what's there, look in the output files for foundation_custom.css.

I've added other parts of Foundation to projects, like the block grid. To do this, I had to go to the Foundation website, then choose the components I wanted and get it to generate a custom CSS file.

You could probably just add the full Foundation CSS, which in theory should just duplicate/override the CSS that Flare includes, but I haven't tested this out properly.
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