Build Failed: Value cannot be null

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Jr. Propeller Head
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Build Failed: Value cannot be null

Post by LoriJBrown »


Getting an error message Build failed: Value cannot be null. It occurs on a project that previously built fine. Am seeing the error for both HTML and PDF outputs. It is error message 10086. None of the workarounds seen in the other postings (delete Analyzer and Output files, for example) work.

Nita Beck
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Re: Build Failed: Value cannot be null

Post by Nita Beck »

Welcome to the forums, Lori! :)

I had this happen just yesterday and it's a totally uninformative message! It turned out it was because (1) I was working disconnected from source control and (2) we had the targets set to automatically get updates from source control before building. Because I was working disconnected, Flare could not continue with the build as it couldn't get past that gate. Once I cleared that option, I could build without issue.

This might not be your situation, but I thought I'd toss it out there.
RETIRED, but still fond of all the Flare friends I've made. See you around now and then!
Jr. Propeller Head
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Re: Build Failed: Value cannot be null

Post by LoriJBrown »

Thank you Nita! :) Your response helped to correct the issue!
Propeller Head
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Re: Build Failed: Value cannot be null

Post by BrianAtInTouchHealth »

Nita Beck wrote: It turned out it was because (1) I was working disconnected from source control and (2) we had the targets set to automatically get updates from source control before building. Because I was working disconnected, Flare could not continue with the build as it couldn't get past that gate. Once I cleared that option, I could build without issue.
Thanks Nita! That solved it for me too. Once I read your post it reminded me that my target has multiple destinations, including SharePoint, which automatically logs me out every other week.

Flare :flare: + Analyzer :analyzer: 2022, Central, Capture :capture: 7.0, Mimic :mimic: 8.1
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Re: Build Failed: Value cannot be null

Post by scottpfen »

I continue to get this message while using Tortoise Subversion.

If I copy the project to another location and remove any source control-related files, the message still appears.

I cannot connect the project to Subversion except through File Explorer. I cannot seem to bind it through Flare. Nor can I reconnect it through Flare.

I've contacted customer suppport a few weeks ago; so far, no answer.
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