Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

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Propeller Head
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Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by seamanp4764 »

Sorry....posted this in the wrong forum. :( Gonna copy to the corrent one. Hi....relatively new to Flare here. I'm developing online help and need to have hyperlinks that go to a file with a bookmark on a page within the same project. Sounds simple enough. I created a few of these and they worked just fine when I viewed the output locally. When I copied all files to a network drive (which is where others will view it) the link works, but the bookmark do not. When I click the link, the hyperlinked page "blinks" quickly, then goes to the top of the page. I looked at the code and it all seems fine. Being new to Flare, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, has anything to do with network settings, or something else. I tried two different servers on the network and neither of them work properly. Really stumping me......
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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by Msquared »

Can you talk us thorugh the steps you did to create one of these links to bookmarks that don't work in your network location?

How did you create the bookmark, and then how did you create the link to it?

Can you also post the XML of the topic containing the bookmark, and the topic containing the link to the bookmark? JUst the area of the bookmark and the link to it will do. :-)

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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by seamanp4764 »

Thanks for the reply! I'll get you what you are requesting on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Propeller Head
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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by seamanp4764 »

Good morning...

To link to the bookmark, I first created a bookmark in the appropriate file using "Insert/Bookmark" and typing the name of the bookmark.
Here is the code:
<li class="bodytext" value="6">Refer to <a href="Create_a_New_Template.htm#Select_Data_Source">Create a New Template, Select a Data Source</a>, to continue editing a template.</li>

I then hyperlinked to the file and the bookmark using "Insert/Hyperlink", selected the correct file, clicked the bookmark icon, and selected the appropriate bookmark.
Here is the code:
<li class="bodytext" value="3"><a name="Select_Data_Source"></a>Select a Data Source in the Select drop-down list.</li>

I saved the updated files, regenerated the online help, and viewed the output.
Please note that the bookmarks work fine when viewed locally.
I copied the updated files to a network drive.
They do not work when viewed on the network drive.
The hyperlink goes to the correct page, but not to the bookmark.
The page "blinks" briefly, then goes to the top of the page.

I'm not sure how this can be a Flare issue as the code looks correct and the bookmarks work locally.
Just not sure why it won't work on a network drive.

Thanks in advance........
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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by Msquared »

I don't know why your hyperlink isn't working, although perhaps someone else might? It looks correct (although you've switched the hyperlink and the reference to it in your post. ;-))

But if you just want a cross-reference to a location in another topic in the project, I would use a cross-reference not a hyperlink (Insert > Cross Reference, rather than Insert > Hyperlink). You can define a style for the cross-reference so that it looks like a hyperlink.

If you're not familiar with these, you will need to define a style for MadCap|xref.<YourStyleName>. You also need to remember to select the correct style when you insert the cross-reference. I'm always forgetting to do this, and the default xref style is rather odd, and not what I'd want at all. Once you've set the correct style, to update the text on display in your topic, you will need to do Tools > Update Cross References if you want to see the changes in Flare's XML editor.

This is probably more flexible, as for web outputs, you can define something that looks and works like a hyperlink, and for print output (should you ever need that), the same style can be defined to look like, for example, "see section 2.3.4, Your Section Title", because you have access to {paranum}, {paratext} etc when defining the style.

This is the way I have set mine up, and it works fine on a network drive - I've just tried it. OK, let's be more specific (just in case it's a browser issue, or something like that) it works fine for WebHelp, using IE9.

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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by seamanp4764 »

Thanks for the quick reply....
Looks like I did switch up the coding references in my previous post. :oops:
I also am developing WebHelp using IE9.
I set up a couple of cross references to see if that would correct the issue I am seeing.
Unfortunately, it didn't.
I get the same symptoms as when I use hyperlinks.
That was a great thought and I was hoping it would work, but......
Starting to think this has nothing to do with Flare.
Just don't understand why it works fine locally, but not on the network.
May get with some IT folks to see if they can shed any light on this.
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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by Msquared »

Curiouser and curiouser.

It would be very interesting to find out what the answer is, when you have one.

Just one last thought. You've obviously inspected the source for your topics - perhaps it is worth having a look at what the hyperlink looks like in the output, and what the bookmark that it references looks like. I can't imagine what could be significantly different in the output, and different in such a way that it works locally and not on a network drive, but then, I can't imagine why it's not working, so it's worth a shot.

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Propeller Head
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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by seamanp4764 »

Sure hope to find out what is causing this as it just doesn't make sense.
I actually copied the code from the output in my previous post.
I first compared it to the code when working in Flare and yes, it's the same.
I guess the only reason I'm suspecting something other than Flare is that it works just fine locally.
I'm meeting with another writer tomorrow and intend to bring this up for discussion.
Will post back if and when I get some type of answer that makes sense!
Propeller Head
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Re: Hyperlinks with Bookmarks

Post by seamanp4764 »

It appears the culprit behind this is IE9.......
I loaded Google Chrome and the bookmarks work fine on the network.
I'm guessing it's a setting in IE9 that I cannot easily locate.
Have a trouble call in to our IT group for resolution.
Long story short....this issue has nothing to do with Flare or the network.
Thanks for all the input!
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