HTML5 "Nu Validator"

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HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by GeorgeBell »

First, Does anyone have any advice regarding HTML5 Validators as opposed to the above?

Second, any suggestions on this one example below please?

An, "info warning" for a Popup which said: Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections.
Fair enough, only a warning, but there were 63 of them!

So added an <h5>Acronym</h5> - Recompiled and re-ran Nu Validator and now we have 3 errors and 2 info warnings as follows:

error Attribute “xmlns madcap” not allowed here.
info warning Attribute with the local name “xmlns madcap” is not serializable as XML 1.0.
error A document must not include both a “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “content-type”, and a “meta” element with a “charset” attribute.
error Attribute “alt” not allowed on element “a” at this point.
info warning The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.

And all that from the following "acronym.htm" source?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<html xmlns:MadCap="" MadCap:status="Complete" MadCap:check_list="Ran Smart Index" MadCap:timeEstimate="0" MadCap:priority="0" MadCap:lastBlockDepth="2" MadCap:lastHeight="173" MadCap:lastWidth="421">
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../Resources/Stylesheets/DuxHelp.css" />
<meta name="description" content="Makes a group of words into one." />
<MadCap:keyword term="Acronym" />Acronym</h5>
<p>An abbreviated version of a group of words to make them look like one word. Example: NATO is an acronym for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Acronyms should normally be translated into grade 1 braille, and in some cases may require a prefixed Letter Sign.</p>
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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by RamonS »

Nu Validator is a good tool. I use it frequently. The validator checks for complete compliance against the HTML5 standard. While we all should strive for 100% compliance, it is a wasted effort. There is not a single browser available today that is 100% compliant with the standard, see e.g. (maximum score possible is 555).
My suggestion is to focus more on page functionality. Does it work in the common browsers? Can the help be used with assistive technology? If the answers to these questions are "yes" then you are in very good shape. Your help might not be fully compliant, but being highly compatible is about as good as it gets these days.
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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by GeorgeBell »

Many thanks for your expert opinion on the Nu Validator. That is comforting.

But being faced with a 12,320 line report, albeit down from almost 18k, is pretty daunting.

One type which I do specially worry about is the following since we have been at pains to keep CSS compliant. There are quite a few of these referring to different attributes. Am I fighting a lost cause here?

The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.

Another, which MadCap have confessed to is as follows:

The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.

I'd be fairly happy if I could at least see some of the wood from the trees, as it were.

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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by RamonS »

I'd send the reports to MadCap, ultimately they need to fix most of the issues. There is also a difference between errors, warnings, and to be deprecated items. Obviously, focus on errors first.
BTW, there is also a Chrome extension that uses the same validator. Posts the errors into the console. See ... f?hl=en-GB
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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by GeorgeBell »

Many thanks once again. As luck would have it, we have a support contract, so will attempt another analysis to hit them with and see what happens. :roll:
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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by devjoe »

GeorgeBell wrote: The “cellspacing” attribute on the “table” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
This indicates that you have inline formatting on the table. This often happens with imported or pasted material ultimately originating from a Word document or email. Unless you are really doing something special for one table, it's better to eliminate these and define the table/cell spacing within the style sheet, and even if you do have certain special tables, you can define classes on the table tag and its subordinate tags to contain the information.
GeorgeBell wrote:The “name” attribute is obsolete. Consider putting an “id” attribute on the nearest container instead.
I wouldn't worry about this.
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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by GeorgeBell »

Have just had a long session with Flare support, and the bottom line is that certain "attributes" cannot yet be held in the Table CSS, hence end up being in-line. Net result is that the Validator complains.

Not at all good, but will be following up with Madcap and a huge report of errors, plus the project itself.
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Re: HTML5 "Nu Validator"

Post by RamonS »

Prime objective is making the help work for the users. Being fully standards compliant is gravy. Not that I don't like gravy....
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